Customized Magnetic Window Covers for Blocking Classroom Visibility

School safety is no doubt a top priority in our schools! Lockdown drills are conducted nationwide every day, and covering classroom door windows is instructed in every school's procedure. At Truly Engaging, we've spent a lot of time thinking about how to find a door window cover security solution that is both effective, yet not intimidating for students and staff.

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Measuring Your Doors

School security magnets are available across all metal and wooden doors and door frames of every type. See below for how to measure the most common door types. Click on the images to see classroom versus hallway views.

Truly Engaging can print school security magnets of all sizes and styles!
If you don't see your door style listed, let us know and we'll work with you on creating the best custom solution for your doors (Download PDF).

Measure the door

Classroom side of door with magnet

Hallway side of door view

Metal Door with window. Measure the outer edge of the window frame. The standard magnet will be cut to the measurements provided.

Measure the door

Classroom side of door with magnet

Hallway side of door view

Wood Door with a metalic frame around the window. Measure the outer edge of the window frame. The standard magnet will be cut to the measurements provided.

Measure the door

Classroom side of door with magnet

Hallway side of door view

Wood Door with non-metalic frame around the window. Measure the edge of the window. The standard magnet with repositionable tape will be cut larger on all sides than the size that is provided to account for the tape.

Measure the door

Classroom side of door with magnet

Hallway side of door view

Door with single side window. Measure the outer edge of the window frame. The standard magnet will be cut to the measurements provided.

Measure the door

Classroom side of door with magnet

Hallway side of door view

Door with multiple side windows. Measure the outer edge of each window frame. The measurement should account for the shared transom. The standard magnet will be cut to the measurements provided.

bLOCKout™ Magnets

Say goodbye to the days of construction paper, fabric, or other homemade methods to cover classroom door windows. Our thick, durable magnets are designed to match classroom décor while 100% covering door windows or sidelights. We have magnets in every size imaginable.

bLOCKout™ Magnets with Repositionable Tape

Limited on space or have wooden doors? No problem! We offer 3M repositionable adhesive strips applied to the backside of the magnet as a great solution for wooden doors or other non-magnetic surfaces.

Design Options

Use one of our Designs

From elementary to high school (and even college), browse our large selection of pre-designed templates. From mascots, teacher names, school subjects, and more—there is something for everyone! Feel free to mix and match designs, or choose one design for every classroom to use.

Design your own

Use your own creativity or school spirit branding to create your own one-of-a-kind designs! Our team will work with you to grab your designed artwork, and we'll print it at premium quality on your magnets.

Hire us!

One of our talented designers can bring your vision to light and help to integrate your school branding into your school security magnets. This includes customizing magnets with teachers' names, school subjects, and more to make them unique for every classroom.

Sample Templates to get you started


Truly Engaging's solution is the best choice for covering classroom windows

We designed a very affordable product that blends into classroom décor, and can be quickly placed over windows during emergency situations.

  • Discreet and unobtrusive
  • Ready to use at all times
  • Work quickly to completely block views into classrooms
  • High-quality and durable
  • Affordable
  • Versatile for windows of every size, including sidelights
  • Solutions for metal or wooden door frames
Request Information
call 630-653-5525