Custom Sticker on a waterbottle

Win the mailbox!

Our magnet postcard outshines everything else.

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Stay top‑of‑mind with stunning postcard magnets they’ll want to keep and show.

Lasting connections delivered with postcard ease.

• Magnetic postcards are available in multiple sizes.
• Choose flat or bifold formats.
• Quality finishes stand up to USPS.

Sticker on a waterbottle at a park

Say even more with premium finishes.

• Choose gold, rose gold, or silver foil.
• Raised UV gloss adds dimension.
• Our soft-touch magnetic postcards feel special.

Laptop computer with stickers attached

We handle everything.

• We print and affix every postcard magnet.
• We address and mail from our facility.
• Qualified mailers can use our not-for-profit mail permit.

Magnet postcards are ideal for:

• College and university marketers.
• Non-Profit organizations.
• Real estate and mortgage brokers.
• Insurance agents and financial advisors.               
• Other local businesses.

Custom Stickers made to advertise your brand
Certified women-owned business icon

Truly Engaging is certified as a women's business enterprise by the WBENC (Women's Business Enterprise National Council). We recognize the commitment to supplier diversity that is embraced by corporations and government agencies today, and we are proud to add diversity to your supply chain.

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    Magnet Finishing Options

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get a quote?

For a custom quote, please contact Brian Baird [email protected]

Where can I find my USPS not-for-profit authorization number?

The USPS not-for-profit authorization number is usually a 6-digit number. It is different than your permit number. If you aren't familiar with your USPS not-for-profit authorization number, your mailing department should be able to provide it to you.

How do I apply for a USPS not-for-profit authorization number?

How do I upload my artwork?

Want to add your own artwork to a product you ordered (or plan to order)? Follow this link!

Can I get a sample with my artwork?

  • We'd be happy to produce a sample using your artwork!
  • Choose the specs for the product you are considering and send us your finished artwork
  • Files can be large. It will usually work best to send files via DropBox, WeTransfer or some other file sharing service. Or, you can upload to our site.
  • It will usually take about a week for us to produce the samples
  • We can produce samples with and without soft-touch lamination and raised spot UV or foil if that would be helpful. Here are the instructions for adding a foil or spot UV layer.
  • If you need help with the design, we can have one of our designers work on this for you. A design fee (usually $35 - $50) will apply. Contact us for details.
  • Additional questions, send an email or give me a call 630.909.1849.

Can we use the university's not-for-profit indicia?

We can mail these either under our not-for-profit indicia (we'll invoice you for postage), or your indicia (USPS will deduct funds from your account when the mailing drops). Postage should be the same for either option.

Is there an additional charge for Truly Engaging to handle the mailing?

Our pricing includes the postcard, magnet, affixing, and preparation needed for mailing. Postage is NOT included. It will cost you less for us to handle the mailing, as there are no shipping charges. Plus, your mailing department won't need to take care of your mailing, saving them time and resources for other projects.

Why is the magnet affixed to the right side of the postcard? Isn't that where the address block is supposed to go?

USPS specs require the magnet to be affixed to the right half of the address side of the postcard. This is the "leading edge" as the postcard goes through the USPS automated equipment. This also allows you to mail at the not-for-profit rate.

Can the magnet be affixed to the front of the postcard?

USPS specs require the magnet to be affixed to the right half of the address side of the postcard. While uncommon, it is possible to affix the magnet to the front of your postcard. Please contact us for details.